Dr. Donna Adams-Pickett
Greetings Supporters and Friends!
Welcome to the digital home for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®, Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega Chapter. I have the honor of serving as President of this award-winning, visionary pearl of Columbia County.
​Since our chartering in 2018, we have elevated our community with transformative, impactful programming. We remain committed to executing the vision of our International President, Dannette Anthony Reed’s, Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood program platform through the diligent efforts of our dedicated members.
As global citizens devoted to “service to all mankind”, we continuously strive to leave a positive, joyful, imprint with our work in Columbia County and with our neighbors near and far. We invite you to visit our website regularly for updates on the many exciting, innovative initiatives from our chapter.
Your continued support and participation in our efforts is greatly appreciated and is essential to their success in uplifting our community.
We look forward to connecting with you!
Yours in Service to All Mankind,
Donna Adams-Pickett PhD, MD
President, 2025-2026
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®
Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega Chapter

Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega Chapter welcomes all members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® to reactivate with our chapter. We hope that you find your home with us in “Service to all Mankind."

Prospective Members
The sorority’s official graduate Membership Intake Process (MIP) is by invitation only through one of our local graduate chapters and may not be solicited. Chapters host public events, such as forums, cultural presentations and social activities, which you are welcome to attend to become acquainted with sorority members and their community service activities in your area.
For more information regarding membership into AKA , you should visit www.aka1908.org.
Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega Chapter welcomes all members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® to reactivate with our chapter. We hope that you find your home with us in “Service to all Mankind."
Meeting Information
Meetings are open to members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. Proof of membership is required and must be verified prior to entering the meeting. The business meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. on the third Saturday of every month excluding holidays and business attire is required unless noted.
Visiting members are asked to provide two forms of identification, including a government-issued ID and one of the following:
• Current or past financial card
• Copy of original membership certificate provided by our Corporate Office
• Receipt with your name from a cluster, regional or international AKA conference
• Ivy Leaf with your name and address
If you have questions or you are unable to produce the necessary documentation, please contact our Membership Chairman at aaeomembership@gmail.com